Team Sports and Life Skills: Learning Through Play
Discover the benefits of team sports in school holidays for children's development in teamwork, leadership, and resilience, and how these activities foster physical and mental well-being.
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At what age should my child start learning a musical instrument
As a Kindermusik Educator, this has to be one of the most common question I get asked from parents, especially when their child reaches pre-school and Kindy age. While there are always exceptions, in general, my suggestion to parents is to wait until their child is at least 5 or 6 years old. There are many compelling reasons for this - I've outlined some below - milestones by which most 5 or 6-year olds have or are beginning to achieve.
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Trapeze For Kids
Join the circus and learn the flying trapeze!<br><br>Originally a circus performance act, the flying trapeze has become a new sport and fitness craze across Australia!
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The Danger of Flotation Aids
The Danger of Flotation Aids If you have a pool at home, or spend a lot of time around water, please do not rely on arm bands, vests or other flotation aids to keep your child safe! The only way a child is safe in water, is if they have the skills to save themselves. Jackson was a little boy who loved to swim in his puddle jumper but drowned when he wasn't supposed to be swimming. His mom now advocates for survival swim lessons and warns parents not to use aids that promote false security.
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Violins for Kids
Do your kids have an interest in music? They might enjoy learning the violin. A violin, sometimes referred to as a fiddle, is a wooden instrument which is played by moving a bow across four strings. The violin is believed to originate in Europe in the 19th century and has since become popular worldwide. It is the smallest of the string instruments and has a higher pitched sound than other instruments in its family, including the cello and the viola.
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School Holiday Camps For Kids In WA
Reduce boredom during the school holidays!<br><br>Spending time at school holiday camps is an interesting way to keep them active and occupied.
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Trampolining for kids in Sydney
Give your kids the feeling of defying gravity on the trampoline! Trampoline is for active kids who love to jump and it also helps improve coordination, balance and strength. Sydney offers various classes and programs for kids interested in the trampoline. Let your kids aim high and jump high on the trampoline!
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5 Reasons Why Children Must Learn KARATE
If there was one thing above all else that any parent would want their children to have, it is a healthy self image, a positive outlook on life, and the resilience to overcome the challenges and obstacles that life will throw their way
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Over the years, I've focused more and more on the core, basic skills in BMX - and the more we develop these, the more I've found that young riders can learn tricks faster and safer down the line. Regularly, this means pulling people back from trying something - and saying "slow down, you're not there yet". This is now what our entire coaching method at Rampfest is built around.
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Soccer Basics: A Guide for Aussie Parents and Kids
From soccer classes and lessons to joining local associations, your kids are in for a wild ride of fun, friendship, and learning. Remember, it's not about becoming the next soccer superstar – it's about enjoying the game, growing as a person, and maybe scoring a few goals along the way.
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Collections For Kids
Encourage your kids to start collections out of the treasures they gather!<br><br>The passion for collecting is one of the activities for kids that they can take interest in.
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Adventure Clubs for Kids
Join an adventure club and discover the great outdoors!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to experience the great diversity of the Australian outdoors!
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Introduction to Rock Climbing for Kids
Explore the benefits and safety of rock climbing for kids, including gear advice and choosing the best climbing programmes in Australia – a guide for adventurous families.
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Outdoor Activities for Kids in Perth
Keep your kids amused with outdoor activities!<br><br>Perth, WA has lots of fun family activities and outdoor activities for kids.
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Surfing For Kids In Sydney
Try surfing in Sydney for an adrenaline packed water sport!<br><br> Surfing involves riding on ocean waves on a board. Surfing in Sydney offers some of the best surf in Australia and with a number of great surf spots to choose from, it?s the ideal place for your child to learn to surf!
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Wildlife Parks For Kids In SA
Get up close and personal with the animals in the wildlife parks in SA!<br><br>South Australia has the most diverse areas among the states and territories of Australia, from its coastal towns to its arid deserts.
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