What to Expect in Your Child's First Gymnastics Class
While the first class might focus on introducing basic skills, it's important to note that gymnastics is a progressive sport. As your child continues attending classes, they'll gradually build upon their skills and advance to more complex moves.
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10 Fun Facts About Go-Karting
Explore 10 exciting Go-Karting facts, perfect for family adventures in Australia. Safety, skills, and more!
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Country dancing for kids
Want something entertaining, upbeat kind of dance for your kids to learn? Then choose country dancing! Australia is known for having a lively dance scene that has evolved rapidly since the colonial times and country dancing has become one of the established dance fashions that is still enjoyed by many today. Let your kids join and add to the liveliness of the dance floor with country dancing!
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Fencing for kids
En Garde and let your kids try out a fun and skill-stimulating game of fencing! Both classical and modern fencing is known to be a good sport that can develop your reflex and speed and will definitely be a fun, yet challenging kid's activity that your young ones will enjoy!
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How to dress your children for exercise in winter
It seems really obvious right – put on a jumper! But knowing how to dress properly in winter is a bit of an art and can make a difference to children when participating in physical activities. This article includes three essential points that will help you to dress your child for physical activity in winter:
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Team Sports and Life Skills: Learning Through Play
Discover the benefits of team sports in school holidays for children's development in teamwork, leadership, and resilience, and how these activities foster physical and mental well-being.
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5 benefits children may gain from learning Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do is primarily the Korean art of self defence. It is also a lot more than just learning kicks, punches, blocks and dodges. It can help to improve a person's physical strength, mental concentration and self confidence just to name a few. This article outlines five key benefits children can access by practising Taekwon-Do.
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5 Important reasons to enrol your child in Martial Arts
When a parent is considering enrolling their child or children into a martial arts school, they have to consider both their motivation and the motivations of their child. In order for a child to learn to love and stick with martial arts training over a long period of time, they have to share common goals with their parents, and most of all, the parents and child all have to enjoy it. If a parent's goals are not being met, then they may feel they are not getting their money's worth.
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Age-Appropriate Drama Activities
Activities like 'Improvisation Games' foster quick thinking and creativity, while 'Scripted Scenes' introduce them to the basics of script reading and character portrayal.
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Softball for kids
Let your kids experience softball for kids - one of the many sports for kids which can be played by toddlers and children! Softball for kids is the same as baseball for kids, including the rules of the game, except that toddlers and children don’t have to fear getting hit by the ball. Softball for kids is modified according to children’s age so that they can progress to another level as they develop their physical strengths on a game of team sports.
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5 questions all parents should know the answer to before they select a basketball camp for their child
Choosing a basketball camp can be a difficult decision. Here are five questions you can ask to help simplify the process and ensure you get your money’s worth and that your child gets the excellent instruction that will help him or her improve their skills and develop a greater love for the game.
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Archery for Kids
Let your kids practise their focus and concentration with this fun and unusual sport!<br><br>. It’s a great social sport and a way for your child to develop better concentration!
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Karate for Life
This article has been written to shed light on the multitude of other life enhancing benefits martial arts and, in this case, karate has on any individual who commits themselves to training.
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Scouts for Kids
Are you in search of kids' activities that may promote your child's mental, social and physical development? How on the Scouts? The Boy Scouts is an organization founded in England in 1907 to teach boys survival skills and values including service to others, teamwork and comradeship. The first Australian Boy Scout camp was started in 1908 and now Scouts Australia is a national movement and community institution, which provides a wide range of camps and activities for children of all ages. National 'jamborees' are help periodically and scouts from all over Australia attend.
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The World has Changed
Zoomsing is a place where children and young people connect weekly. They are guided through voice training, taught a new song or aspect of a song, and encouraged to share their voice with others if they wish. This new way of teaching and learning for singing, means that the students actually get more access to the teacher. Individual attention can be given to the voice and feedback can be acted on straight away.
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Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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School holiday soccer camps
Play The Beautiful Game during the Holidays! Soccer (or European Football) is the world's most popular sport. Many sports clubs in Australia offer school holiday soccer camps for kids for a small fee where they can learn basic skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. Let your kids learn to score like Cristiano Ronaldo!
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