Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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Aikido classes and lessons
Fighting isnt always bad, let your kids defend themselves through Aikido classes and lessons! Aikido is a martial arts that is easier to grasp than most martial arts. It is a non-violent martial arts brought to Australia in 1965. Aikido is the martial arts for your kids!
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Picnics for Kids
Picnics make a picture-perfect family memory!<br><br>Picnics are a great way to pass a lazy weekend afternoon in Australia – a game of Frisbee, shady spots by a river or in a park and plenty of food that can be as easy or fancy as you like!
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Community For Kids
Let your kids develop social awareness in their own way. Involve them in community activities!<br><br>A community is a group of people living closely together and sharing a common interest. It is also the society as a whole.<br><br>Kids, as young as possible, should have social awareness and be able to contribute to the community.
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Which martial arts should my child do?
Parents these days are overwhelmed with a choice of activities their children can take part in. With more choice than ever and bombardment on our time which is best? Firstly any activity is better than no activity. Young bodies and minds need stimulation and lots of activity to develop mentally and physically.
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What Age Should You Start Netball?
Discover the perfect age to start netball in Australia, how to choose classes and clubs, and the role of coaches in nurturing your child's love for this dynamic sport.
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Building Character: How The Boys' Brigade Develops Leadership Skills in Youth
The Boys' Brigade in Australia develops leadership skills in children through responsibility, teamwork, and critical thinking. This youth association's programs help kids build character and confidence, preparing them to be the leaders of tomorrow. Learn how your child can benefit!
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The Bilingual Boost: Martial Arts as a Gateway to Second Language Learning
Many martial arts involve vocal commands and expressions, reinforcing language through movement. This connection between physical activity and language creates a dynamic learning experience, making the acquisition of a second language more engaging and enjoyable for children.
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Basketball for kids in New South Wales
Basketball is the perfect sport for kids- it's a fun form of exercise! Basketball is a sport that everyone can get into- from toddlers to professionals in the NBA. Participating in basketball games allows kids to have fun, at the same time developing their self-discipline and keeping them in shape.
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Cornet for kids
Give your kids a chance to play in concert bands with the cornet! In its modern form, the cornet is a brass instrument that resembles the trumpet and is often used in classical music. If your kids love playing solos in brass bands, then the cornet may be instrument for them!
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Country dancing for kids
Want something entertaining, upbeat kind of dance for your kids to learn? Then choose country dancing! Australia is known for having a lively dance scene that has evolved rapidly since the colonial times and country dancing has become one of the established dance fashions that is still enjoyed by many today. Let your kids join and add to the liveliness of the dance floor with country dancing!
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This is possible because the ramp is tall enough - it gives you the room to do this. The 6ft tall ramp has an transition face of 8-9ft to work up on, depending on how steep it is. A 3ft ramp for example, gives you only 4ft of room to practice on - giving you little option rather than going straight down it.
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Camping with kids in Queensland
Experience the Australian bush and see the wildlife of the Sunshine State! With vast open areas and natural bushland settings, Australia has some of the best camping areas in the world. One of the ideal places to go camping is the Sunshine State, Queensland.
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Activity and Party Planners for Kids
If you want your next kid's party to be a raging success, consider bringing in the party planners!
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Benefits of regular Capoeira practicing
In addition to offering practitioners a means of learning self-defense and fight against bullying, it provides a healthy way to release pent-up aggression and frustration in an environment where positive thinking and acting is promoted.
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Bike centres for kids
Come and take a leisurely bike ride with your kids! Let your kids take time to exercise their navigation skills at bike centres!
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Hip Hop Dance for Kids
Are your kids born performers? If they love to dance and perform death defying stunts they might like to channel their energy into hip hop dance routines. Hip hop is a modern style of dance involving a series of moves set to hip hop songs. It's often called urban or street dance and originated on the streets of America in the 1970s. Australian kids quickly took a like to the style!
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