The Basics of Gymnastics: A Beginner's Guide for Kids
Celebrate your child's efforts and progress, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to keep striving for improvement.
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Martial Arts for Kids
Let your kids learn self defence while getting fit and having fun! <br>Martial arts is a type of training which was originally designed to help fighters preparing for combat.
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Fun Drills and Games to Practice Basketball Skills at Home
A classic basketball game, Knockout, is perfect for improving shooting accuracy and teaching kids about healthy competition. Line up several kids, and each takes turns shooting free throws. If someone makes a basket before you, you're "knocked out." The last person standing wins!
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National Parks for kids in the Brisbane Region
Whether you’re in for a relaxing or an adventurous weekend, the national parks in the Brisbane region are perfect places for family bonding!<br /><br />Kids, being naturally active and energetic, always need to learn and experience something new, something exciting and will get them up and about. If you decide to take them to Brisbane in the weekends or spend the school holidays in Queensland, why not have some leisure time at the national parks?
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Pilates For Kids
Lead your kids into a healthy lifestyle. Do Pilates together!<br><br>Pilates is a form of exercise developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It is a physical fitness system intended to strengthen the mind and the body as Joseph Pilates believed that mental and physical health are connected. He also believes that Pilates uses the mind to control the muscles. In 1934, he discussed in his book, Your Health, about his concern with the state of kids health.
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Contemporary Dance for Kids
Let your child express themselves through contemporary dance, a great way for them to dance in a less academic and funnier way. Your kids will learn how to get creative will performing this original dance type.
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Archery in Brisbane
Let your kids be aware of safety with archery! While some sports usually focus on coordination, speed and reflex, archery improves your children's concentration and awareness with safety.
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How to help your kid find their balance in life
There are many ways in which we try to balance our busy lives, and keeping a balance between our physical, mental and spiritual selves is an important start to maintaining overall balance in life. This quick tip will help your kid to find more balance in their life.
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4 reasons hip hop dancers should take a ballet class
I was a self proclaimed “anti-ballerina”, leotards and tights made me feel self-conscious and I was often heard telling people “I wasn’t built for ballet.” No, I didn’t (and still don’t) have amazing feet or great turn out and I’m not super flexible. Nor do I possess any of the ideal physical traits of your stereotypical ballerina.<br> But, I have a new mantra now. “Nobody was built for ballet. Ballet was built for us.”<br> This is a first-hand account explaining exactly how ballet can improve your child's hip hop performance.
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Kids Activities in Hobart
Discover the coolest things to do with kids in Hobart!<br /><br />Compared to mainland Australian cities, Hobart is relatively small. Despite this, Hobart and the whole state of Tassie has a lot to offer to those who are looking for holiday activities.
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School Holiday Activities For Kids
Keep your kids busy during school holidays! <br><br>Get them to go outside and breathe some fresh air with these ideas for school holiday activities for kids!
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Rhee Tae Kwon Do and Mental Health
Just as the mind grows stronger and more resilient through challenges, our self-esteem also grows through overcoming challenges and being able to reach new levels of accomplishment and achievement.
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How to host your first kid’s birthday party
How do you respond when your child asks if they can host their birthday party at your house? Does that feel overwhelming or daunting? If it does - you need to pick up the essential tips from this article ... and remember the balloons and bubbles!
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School Holiday Activities for kids in Sydney
School holidays in New South Wales are never boring with a lot of things to do with kids in Sydney! There are four school holidays in Sydney and NSW. Let your kids enjoy and make the most out of them!
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Astronomy for Kids
Take your kids on a journey to the stars!<br><br>Stimulate your child’s mind and broaden their knowledge of stars, planets, galaxies and the sun with astronomy based kids activities!
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Netball for Kids
The perfect safe sport for your kids, and especially your doughter! Your kids will have a lot of fun playing this derivative of basketball, which lies more on technique than physical condition.
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AFL Skills and Coaching Tips
We thought it would be super helpful to parents of kids (aged 6-13 years) if we provided you will access to four different AFL games and activities that you can use with your kids any time of the AFL season. This will help you to support their desire to continually develop their AFL skills and AFL game sense. This article teaches awkward marking, contest marking, accuracy competition and triangle kicking.
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