5 Basic Skills in Cheer Dance
Explore the 5 essential cheer dance skills every aspiring cheerleader should master. From dynamic jumps and tumbling to precise motions and teamwork-driven stunts, find out how your child can shine in Australia's cheerleading scene.
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Games For Kids
Get to know the different kinds of games suitable for your kids!<br><br>Games involve competition, rules, endeavours of one person or team against another, and scores being kept for recognition or a prize. Common types of games are board games, card games, and video games. Encourage your kids to play educational kids games!
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Little Athletics in Melbourne
Join little athletics events in Australia's second most populous city! Melbourne is a great city to practice little athletics because many little athletics clubs and centres for kids are based in the city. It is also where the Lakeside Stadium is located, a world-class little athletics venue. Let's go to the track and run today!
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Wildlife Parks For Kids In SA
Get up close and personal with the animals in the wildlife parks in SA!<br><br>South Australia has the most diverse areas among the states and territories of Australia, from its coastal towns to its arid deserts.
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Tips for kids playing basketball
Basketball isn't just a great team sport to play - it's a skill that needs to be learned and practiced in order to continue improving. There are four areas where kids can focus to really start to improve their basketball skills and this article outlines all of them.
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School Holiday Programs for Kids
Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids during the summer holidays?
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Kung Fu for Kids
Teach your kids self respect and confidence by taking them to Kung Fu!<br><br> Kung Fu can develop kids’ self confidence and teamwork and may help prevent bullying at school. <br>Your kid could be the next Bruce Lee!
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Pottery Painting For Kids
Let your child indulge their creative side with pottery painting!<br><br> Pottery painting involves painting pottery creations or ceramics with special paints. A versatile activity that can be done at home or a studio, pottery painting is a perfect party activity or just a fun leisure pursuit!
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Art Galleries for Kids
Give your kids a taste for art with a visit to an art gallery!<br><br>Whether by famous international artists, or lesser known local exhibitors, art galleries can open kids’ minds up to the world of art!
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zoos for kids in Melbourne
Spending the school holidays in Melbourne? Visit the zoos in Victoria!<br /><br />One excellent way to make education for kids fun and appealing is to allow them to visit and play with the animals in wildlife parks and zoos. Trips to zoos and other educational sites are one of the most recommended activities for kids in Melbourne.
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Circus for Kids
Be dazzled and thrilled by a breathtaking circus performance!<br><br>There is sure to be plenty of fun for the whole family!
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Arts & Crafts Activities for Kids
Instil a love for creativity and encourage artistic expression in your kids!<br /><br />Arts & crafts activities for kids are fun ways for children to get creative. Arts & crafts activities provide hours of fun and learning for babies and toddlers.
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Hip Hop Dance for Kids
Are your kids born performers? If they love to dance and perform death defying stunts they might like to channel their energy into hip hop dance routines. Hip hop is a modern style of dance involving a series of moves set to hip hop songs. It's often called urban or street dance and originated on the streets of America in the 1970s. Australian kids quickly took a like to the style!
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Little Athletics For Kids
Introduce your kids to sports by encouraging them to join Little Athletics!<br><br>Little Athletics is one of the activities for kids that originated in Australia. It introduces kids aged 5 to 15 to sports through fun athletics events that cater to all kids who are too young for senior athletics. The motto of Little Athletics is « Family, Fun, and Fitness ». There is a Little Athletics club for every localised region where a weekly competition takes place. The athletes and teams then progress to state competition for championships as determined by the state association. The first Little Athletics event was held in October 1964 at Landy Field. Yearly, over 95,000 kids participate in Little Athletics.
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What Age Can Children Start to Go to Playgroup?
For babies, the experience is more about sensory play and social interaction with adults. As they grow into toddlers, playgroups become a space for them to explore, play, and start developing their social skills.
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Kick-Start the Fun: Soccer School Holiday Activities for Kids
Age-Appropriate Classes: Look for programs tailored to your child's age group. Whether you've got a tiny tot or a tween soccer star in the making, there's a class just for them
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Badminton for kids in Sydney
Get your kids to smash their opponents in the Sydney region! Badminton was conceptualized by British military officers during the mid-18th century. The sport was introduced to Australia in the early 1900s, and Sydney Badminton Association handles all activities related to badminton within the Sydney region. With all the fun opportunities waiting for kids in Sydney, it's easy to get your kids to learn the sport!
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