Collections For Kids
Encourage your kids to start collections out of the treasures they gather!<br><br>The passion for collecting is one of the activities for kids that they can take interest in.
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Family Holidays in Western Australia
Find the perfect destination for your family holiday!<br><br>The Australian holidays are perfect occasions to spend quality time with the family.
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Calisthenics for kids
If your kids love gymnastics and dancing, try calisthenics!<br><br>A great kids activity designed to improve kids fitness and agility!
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Darts for kids
Let your kids shoot for the bull?s eye! Dart games are fun and educational, making them an ideal activity for your kids!
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Choirs for kids in Brisbane
Lots of research suggests that singing is great for both your physical and mental health. What better way to give your kids a stress release, a way to improve their health, and an opportunity to socialise with others their age outside a school environment?
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Mess-Free Art Adventures for Little Picassos: Discover Clean and Creative Fun for Children
Take your art adventure outdoors and explore the wonders of nature print art. Collect leaves, flowers, or any textured objects from the backyard. Place them under a piece of paper and use crayons or pencils to create rubbings.
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Sailing for kids in Hobart
Traverse the waters of Hobart! If you are spending the holidays in Tasmania with your children, then we recommend river sailing for kids in Hobart!
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Libraries for Kids
Help your kids awaken to a whole new world of wonder through reading!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to explore wholecompletely new worlds through reading!
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National parks in the Perth region
Enjoy the weekends and school holidays immersed in nature! Get back in touch with nature and discover the stunning sceneries that the Perth has to offer. The region is known for its outdoor lifestyle, that’s why visiting the national parks here should be at the top of your “activities for kids in Perth” list.
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What Age Should Your Child Start Swimming? Tips for Parents
Once kids hit the school-age range (6 to 8 years old), they've got the physical and mental capabilities to grasp more advanced swimming techniques.
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Martial Arts for Kids
Let your kids learn self defence while getting fit and having fun! <br>Martial arts is a type of training which was originally designed to help fighters preparing for combat.
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10 reasons to learn a musical instrument
1. It’s enjoyable! 2. It’s a great way to meet new people 3. It builds your self-confidence 4. Develops your patience 5. Enhances your creative ability 6. Teaches you self-discipline 7. Boosts your memory 8. Brings with it a sense of achievement 9. Reduces your stress levels 10. Improves cognitive skills
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Triathlons for Kids
Give your child the ultimate challenge and enter them into a triathlon!<br><br>Very popular in Australia for all ages, kids’ triathlons can be a fun way for your children to challenge themselves and get fit!
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Drama and Emotional Intelligence: How Acting Helps Kids Understand Emotions
Acting classes empower kids with emotional intelligence. Explore the benefits today!
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Arts & Crafts Activities for Kids in Sydney
Inspire imagination and creativity with arts and crafts activities for kids!<br><br>Kids, being naturally creative, best express themselves through art.
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Backyard Cricket and Beach Cricket
Looking for something to do on a sunny afternoon? <br>Backyard or beach cricket is a great way to spend an afternoon with family and friends!
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martial arts for kids in Victoria
Self defence is best learned through martial arts!<br /><br /> Let them have the ability to protect themselves and others against harm!
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