Drama classes & lessons for kids in Melbourne
Express your love for your kids’ expressions! Drama originated from Greece where tragedy and comedy were popular. It is often combined with music and dance. Today, drama encompasses different mediums - from theatre to radio. Enroll them to drama classes & lessons for kids in Melbourne, and see your little superstar shine on and off stage!
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Coach's Corner: How to Encourage and Motivate Young Athletes
Learn how to inspire and motivate young athletes in Little Athletics with tips from experienced coaches.
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Soccer Basics: A Guide for Aussie Parents and Kids
From soccer classes and lessons to joining local associations, your kids are in for a wild ride of fun, friendship, and learning. Remember, it's not about becoming the next soccer superstar – it's about enjoying the game, growing as a person, and maybe scoring a few goals along the way.
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Self defence for kids - recognising danger
Teaching our children (and ourselves) to recognise what is “normal” in our homes, schools, and local community can make it a lot easier to spot incongruities that may signal a potential danger or dangerous situation. This article outlines some potential danger signs that your child could be more aware of.
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Dance & karaoke for kids
Let the inner star of your child shine out through dance and karaoke! Dance & karaoke are the top choice for throwing a celebration because energetic kids in Australia love to play fun-filled activities especially when dancing and singing are involved. With the latest hits who would not want to sing and dance to the music?
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Cadets for Kids in Australia: A Guide for Parents and Carers
Cadets promote a culture of discipline and responsibility. Participants learn to respect rules, follow routines, and develop a strong work ethic, which can be beneficial in all areas of life.
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Basketball for kids in New South Wales
Basketball is the perfect sport for kids- it's a fun form of exercise! Basketball is a sport that everyone can get into- from toddlers to professionals in the NBA. Participating in basketball games allows kids to have fun, at the same time developing their self-discipline and keeping them in shape.
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The Health and Mental Health Benefits Singing offers that may surprise you
Working side by side with the health and sports professionals we achieved amazing results and success with the patients and athletes assigned to me for the short period of weeks or sometimes months, improving and resolving issues once holding back a career or there life.
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Water polo for kids
Swimming pool games add more fun and excitement to your children's summer! Water polo began in England and Scotland, and is now popular in many countries including Australia, it is even an Olympic sport. Looking for fun activities for your children? Water polo for kids is a good idea all year long by taking lessons or just playing between friends during summer!
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multisports for kids in the perth region
Get your kids involved in multisports!<br /><br />Multisports programs and camps are ideal for introducing your kids to the world of sports.
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Surfing For Kids In The Gold Coast Region
Encourage your kids to bring out their surfboards and brave the waves!<br><br>Gold Coast, Queensland is known as a major tourist destination in Australia.
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Sailing For Kids In Sydney
Your child can enjoy Sydney harbour at its most spectacular by going sailing in Sydney!<br><br> Sailing is a popular sport throughout Australia. With such a beautiful location and so many great spots, sailing in Sydney is an enjoyable recreational pastime and a competitive sport. Let your kids take to the open water and enjoy the views!
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Angling for Kids
Angling - fishing with a hook and line - is a popular Australian pastime, particularly on a sunny afternoon. Since primitive times people have caught fish to eat and this habit has evolved over the years into both a relaxing leisure pursuit and a fiercely competitive sport that appeals to adults and kids alike.
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Popular Team Sports for Kids
Cricket holds a special place in Australia's heart. It's more than a sport; it's a cultural tradition that brings families and communities together.
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What is a Good Age to Start Archery?
Explore when to introduce your child to archery, focusing on safety, suitable equipment, skilled coaching, and the lifelong skills and enjoyment this sport offers.
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Kayaking for Kids
Glide through the water with this relaxing kids’ activity!<br><br>It’s a great family activity with a range of options, including white water kayaking, or even kayak fishing!
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Nutrition and Diet Tips for Young Gymnasts: Fueling Future Champions
Offer a balanced snack or meal rich in carbohydrates and some protein to ensure they have enough energy for their training session.
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