How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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5 benefits children may gain from learning Taekwon-Do
Taekwon-Do is primarily the Korean art of self defence. It is also a lot more than just learning kicks, punches, blocks and dodges. It can help to improve a person's physical strength, mental concentration and self confidence just to name a few. This article outlines five key benefits children can access by practising Taekwon-Do.
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Rollerblading for kids
Make rollerblading a regular family activity! Rollerblading, also called inline skating, has the same speed and fluidity of ice skating. The sport is considered today as one of the most fun activities for kids around the world, including Australia. Why don’t you and your children give rollerblading a try?
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Public Speaking Online in a Post Covid19 World
The online clubs are proving to powerfully harness 21st-century learning by using Zoom. The platform is perfect for delivering meetings and speeches and gives young people a familiar forum to share their voice in a public sphere from the comfort of their own home. The break-out sessions allow members to connect with each other, share ideas, make new friends and deliver engaging speeches to screen. It is a launching pad for brilliance and breeding ground for tomorrow’s passionate people.
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Play Centers for Toddlers and Preschoolers
As kids interact in play centers, they develop their language and communication skills. They learn new words, understand how to use language in social contexts, and improve their listening skills
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An Animal-Themed Party for Kids
Discover how to create a Wildlife Safari-themed party for children, featuring mobile animal farms, engaging activities, educational entertainment, and a stunning safari birthday cake.
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Sailing For Kids In Melbourne
Let your kids try sailing in Melbourne for a unique view of this vibrant city!<br /><br/> Sailing is a popular sport and pastime in Melbourne. With its fantastic beaches and beautiful scenery, sailing in Melbourne is a great way for your child to learn a useful skill and have fun at the same time!
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Circus Schools for Kids
Give your kids a taste of the spectacular by sending them to a circus school!<br><br>What a terrific way for your children to learn new skills to impress their friends!
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Sports Extravaganza: Planning Sports-Themed Birthday Parties for Kids
Make sure to check out the facilities, accessibility, and amenities provided by the venue. Also, consider the age group of the children attending the party and ensure the venue is suitable for their safety and enjoyment.
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Canoeing for kids in Perth
Experience a cool summer on the waters of Perth! The adrenaline pumping water sports are the most popular activities for kids in Perth, including paddle sports such as canoeing.
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Health & Fitness Activities For Kids
Help your kids get in shape and enjoy a healthy lifestyle with health and fitness activities!<br><br> Health & fitness activities have become more popular in Australia in recent years. With a high rate of obesity across the country, and the efforts of government and community organisations to raise awareness of the issue, more and more parents are placing a greater emphasis on exercise and health. Health & fitness activities can help make you and your kids live longer and enjoy life more!
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10 Soccer Drills for Kids to Improve Their Skills
Helping your child improve their soccer skills can be an enjoyable journey for both of you. The key is to keep it fun, engaging, and age-appropriate.
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Youth support services in NSW
Find organisations throughout New South Wales that support kids!There are various youth support groups in NSW that you and your kids may benefit from, for instance Youth NSW. Take advantage of the many opportunities offered by youth support services in NSW!
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Ballooning for Kids
Up, up and away!<br><br>Ballooning has been going on for over 100 years!
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Cornet for kids
Give your kids a chance to play in concert bands with the cornet! In its modern form, the cornet is a brass instrument that resembles the trumpet and is often used in classical music. If your kids love playing solos in brass bands, then the cornet may be instrument for them!
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Art Galleries For Kids In Melbourne
Introduce your kids to the great artists of Australia!<br><br>Referred to as the Cultural Capital of Australia, Melbourne is Australia's centre of excellence for the arts.
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Kites For Kids
Get out in the fresh air with this classic among kids’ activities!<br><br>Popular all over Australia for its simplicity and appeal to all ages, kite flying is great entertainment on a windy day!
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