Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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Planning a party - get the best Magic Entertainment
There are many areas you need to consider when planning a party, and almost every area feeds into the entertainment you choose. The duration of the party needs to allow for set up and set down of entertainment; deciding whether it’s an afternoon or morning party – and where it will be held - at home, at a venue or in a park.
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Dive In Early: The Benefits of Toddler Swimming Lessons
Early swimming lessons for toddlers in Australia offer a sea of benefits, from safety and confidence to physical and cognitive development.
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Theatre for Kids
Harness your child’s imagination!<br><br>A fantastic way for your kids to unearth their creativity!
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Mini Golf for Kids
Mini Golf is the utmost "family" activity... Play safely with kids of any age, outdoor or in the dark, and enjoy a wonderful moment altogether.
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Snowboarding Clubs for Kids
What better way to enjoy the snow than with the whole family on the slopes!<br /><br />. Being naturally energetic, participating in winter sports is a great way to burn their energy, while having fun and keeping fit. Snowboarding, introduced in Australia in 1998, is a popular snow sport among kids today.
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Oztag for Girls
Oztag is breaking down gender barriers in sports. Girls are encouraged to participate and excel in this sport, showing their capabilities to the fullest.
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Bass Guitar for Kids
Let your kids channel their inner rock star with the bass guitar!<br><br>Bass guitarists are a feature of most bands and although they are often in the background, their contribution to the performance as a whole is vitally important!
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Basketball for kids in New South Wales
Basketball is the perfect sport for kids- it's a fun form of exercise! Basketball is a sport that everyone can get into- from toddlers to professionals in the NBA. Participating in basketball games allows kids to have fun, at the same time developing their self-discipline and keeping them in shape.
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Bike Trails for Kids
Bike trails make two-wheel outdoor and adventure fun for the whole family!<br><br>Bike trails are a safe and fun way for you and your kids to have an outdoor adventure!
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Why Kids in Australia Love Martial Arts Fitness
Participating in martial arts often involves group activities, encouraging social interaction among children. Kids make new friends, share experiences, and learn the importance of teamwork and cooperation. This social aspect enhances their interpersonal skills and helps them grow into well-rounded individuals.
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Aikido schools
Let your kids enjoy martial arts for self-defence and for physical fitness! Aikido is one of the popular forms of martial art that kids can learn.
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School Holidays Snow Skiing Programs for Kids
Give the most memorable school holidays to your children by having ski holidays at the best ski resorts in Australia!<br /><br />During the snow season, one of the best activities for kids is to participate in school holidays snow skiing programs.
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Choirs for kids in Brisbane
Lots of research suggests that singing is great for both your physical and mental health. What better way to give your kids a stress release, a way to improve their health, and an opportunity to socialise with others their age outside a school environment?
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Encourage your child to become a confident and independent dancer (tips)
Joining a dance studio may be the first activity your child is about to attend - and their confidence and independence may waver as they try something new. Take a deep breath and jump in, head first with them. There is so much fun to be had. This article shares some tips to help enhance your child's confidence and independence as they learn to dance for the first time.
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Fun Soccer Drills for Kids: Tips from Soccer Clubs
Create a mini obstacle course in your backyard or at the park. Include cones, hurdles, and even some agility ladders if you have them. Have your child navigate through the course while dribbling the ball. It's a fantastic way to improve their dribbling skills while having loads of fun.
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4 reasons hip hop dancers should take a ballet class
I was a self proclaimed “anti-ballerina”, leotards and tights made me feel self-conscious and I was often heard telling people “I wasn’t built for ballet.” No, I didn’t (and still don’t) have amazing feet or great turn out and I’m not super flexible. Nor do I possess any of the ideal physical traits of your stereotypical ballerina.<br> But, I have a new mantra now. “Nobody was built for ballet. Ballet was built for us.”<br> This is a first-hand account explaining exactly how ballet can improve your child's hip hop performance.
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