School Holiday Camps For Kids In WA
Reduce boredom during the school holidays!<br><br>Spending time at school holiday camps is an interesting way to keep them active and occupied.
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Racquet Sports for Kids
Hone your kids’ hand-eye co-ordination with racquet sports!<br><br>Racquet sports are fun and a great way for kids to get fit and make friends!
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A Happy Feet Dancer (21/2 to 51/2 years) enjoys imagination, music, movement and role playing. But what you can't see is the real magic - the development of the child's kinaesthetic learning and cognitive skills. Children learn through feelings and begin to build their library of experiences through their senses and start to draw on those experiences to make decisions. “A healthy body, healthy mind” is a proven fact!
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Bodyboarding for Kids
Make a splash with this sensational water sport!<br><br>A great way to introduce kids to surfing,surfing or as a sport in its own right, bodyboarding is fun and exciting!
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Before & after school care in Sydney
Never worry about another out of school day, send your children to before and after school care centres in Sydney! Before and after school care in Sydney provides the solution for busy parents who are looking for occasional child care for school-age children in Australia.
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Candle making for kids in Tasmania
Enjoy a great weekend with your children making candles! Candle making in Tasmania is one of the most fun kids activities in Australia that you can do with your children during the summer and the weekends.
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Which martial arts should my child do?
Parents these days are overwhelmed with a choice of activities their children can take part in. With more choice than ever and bombardment on our time which is best? Firstly any activity is better than no activity. Young bodies and minds need stimulation and lots of activity to develop mentally and physically.
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School holiday programs in New South Wales
Take your kid to a holiday get-away! New South Wales is home to some of the most exciting holiday venues for kids activities.
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Balance Beam Basics: Tips and Techniques for Young Gymnasts
Explore key tips and techniques for young gymnasts on the balance beam. Covering everything from choosing classes to mental preparation, tailored for parents and carers!
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Life Lessons and Character Growth: Karate's Impact on Children
Karate provides a structured system of belts, giving children tangible goals to strive for. Each new belt represents progress and achievement, teaching kids the value of setting goals and working diligently to attain them. This goal-setting mentality translates into their academics and other extracurricular activities.
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Cycling for kids in Sydney
Organise a family cycling tour around Sydney! Experience the fun of pedaling around Sydney’s renowned bike paths and cycleways. Get the chance to grow your network and schedule a tour or a bike race!
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How to Choose the Perfect Kids Party Venue for Your Child's Celebration
Food is an integral part of any celebration, especially when it comes to kids' parties. Inquire about the catering and food options available at the venue. Some venues offer a range of menus specifically designed for children, while others allow you to bring in your own food. Be mindful of any dietary restrictions or allergies that your child or the guests may have.
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Golf classes for kids in Melbourne
Playing golf can help your kids learn self-discipline and good sportsmanship! Do you want your children to start enjoyable activities for kids? Teach them how to play golf- a fun sport that toddlers can learn and master with the help of talented instructors. Enrolling your children in golf classes in Melbourne, Australia can help them learn self-discipline and good sportsmanship!
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American football for kids
Get your kids to kick high, aim high in American football! American Football is one of the most popular team sports that your children can enjoy. Your children can develop his motor skills and as well as develop his interpersonal skills and learn what team cooperation is all about!
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Cadets For Kids
Is your kid a budding leader? Then he might be interested in becoming a youth cadet!<br><br>A cadet is a trainee to become a volunteer military officer. Cadet trainees learn about military life, physical and mental skills, drills and ceremonies, and proper military etiquette. Cadet training does not require trainees to pursue a military career; but it provides them with skills to become efficient leaders and better citizens.
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Astronomy clubs for kids
Discover how shooting stars work! Do your kids like stargazing? Do you often notice them watching the sky? Perhaps they can join astronomy clubs for kids!
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Storytelling - Art, Explore & Creativity - Mini Artist
For all the things about children developing in art, is all related to be able to be more independent in life and explore things and have the ability to express themselves , understanding them. Through art , is a way to knowledge things of what they like, how they think and what they see. We try and understand children and guide them to understand and knowledge topics in life by reading stories looking through other people artwork. And to be able to think and train their brain.
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