Kids preparing for the swimming leg of a triathlon competition

Triathlons for kids in Sydney

Triathlon is a sport that requires competitors to swim, cycle and run to the finish line. The distance of each course varies and the winner is the one with the fastest overall course completion time. Triathlon originated in 1920s France, which was then called “Les trois sports”. Major triathlon events are held in Sydney Olympic Park, making it a great venue for your kids to watch professionals and develop a passion for the activity. Get your kids to join this multilevel competition today!

  • Category: Sports
  • Approximate age to start triathlon: 3
  • Approximate price: $60 Per Year for Membership
  • Gear/equipment needed and approximate price range: Running shoes ($20-$100), Bicycle($55-$200), Swimsuits ($15-$30)
  • This activity comprises of: Running, Cycling, Swimming
  • Most appropriate location: Sydney Opera House
  • School holiday programs available: YES
Kids preparing for the swimming leg of a triathlon competition Kids preparing for the swimming leg of a triathlon competition

A video of Triathlons for kids in Sydney

Watch this video for a complete coverage of a triathlon competition for kids.

Information on Triathlon for Kids in Sydney

Why is Sydney a fantastic place for triathlon?

Since it is composed of three different disciplines, triathlon develops different types of skills and tones many parts of the body as compared to a single sport. Swimming increases lung capacity and helps circulation while biking and running defines a person’s legs. Triathlon exercises multiple muscles and joints, improving overall fitness and health.

Some benefits of training for triathlon activities for kids in Sydney include:

  • Sydney hosts nationwide and worldwide triathlon events
    Australia has earned a total of 5 Olympic medals for triathlon, including 1 gold medal. The triathlon events in the 2000 Summer Olympics was held at the Sydney Opera House. Michellie Jones won a silver medal for Australia in the said event. Bringing your kids to events like these can greatly inspire them to excel in the sport and be more active!
    Sydney also hosts the ITU triathlon event. The course extends from Sydney Harbour Bridge to the Cahill Expressway. The city also hosts running festivals and fun runs. Sydney marathons are for the whole family, so bring out your running shoes and start bonding and training with your kids!
  • Sydney hosts many triathlon competitions for kids
    There are many opportunities for children to join triathlons for kids in Sydney. Triathlon NSW Junior Series is one of the main competitions for triathlon in New South Wales. It is open to both members of Triathlon Australia, the national governing body for triathlon, and non-members, though only TA members are eligible for the Series Award. Given the advantages of club membership, it’s great to inquire your local sports club if you can join. Membership in for kids below age 19 costs $60. Check the ActiveActivities directory for more information on triathlon clubs.

Get your kids to start participating in triathlon events!

Toddlers as young as 3 years old can start joining triathlon competitions. Extra supervision is required for your little triathletes when they are training or competing. Don’t forget to bring extra water and always bring a first aid kid just in case.

Triathlon Australia is a supportive triathlon federation that runs junior development programmes for kids below the age of 19. Sports clubs that are affiliated with Triathlon Australia can conduct these programmes and help your kids become better at the sport. Each State and Territory Triathlon Association (STTA) is responsible for organising and conducting triathlon programmes for kids.

If your kids become really engaged in multisports for children, they can also join adventure races. Adventure racing events are also held in Sydney, like the Urban Max Adventure Series. It is open to kids under 13 years for only a $40 entry fee. There are so many ways for your children to enjoy these types of kids activities.

Take advantage of the many opportunities for triathletes in Sydney today!

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