How to decide which martial arts school to join?
Martial arts schools are everywhere these days and choosing the right one can be daunting and confusing.
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Jazz for Kids
Let your kids discover different music styles by introducing them to jazz!<br><br>Improvisation plays a big part in this music style which makes it great for creative kids who love music!
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Rugby Union for Kids
The sport of kings! Your kids will love this team and contact sport, one of the most famous in australia. Developing strategic skills, physical strength, and team spirit are few of the many benefits rugby union will provide to your kids!
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Bagpipe for kids
Let your kids connect with other cultures by playing bagpipes! Bagpipes are musical instruments that use enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. They are traditionally used to provide music for dances and funerals. Get your outdoorsy kids to play this loud instrument!
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Bass Guitar for Kids
Let your kids channel their inner rock star with the bass guitar!<br><br>Bass guitarists are a feature of most bands and although they are often in the background, their contribution to the performance as a whole is vitally important!
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Which martial arts should my child do?
Parents these days are overwhelmed with a choice of activities their children can take part in. With more choice than ever and bombardment on our time which is best? Firstly any activity is better than no activity. Young bodies and minds need stimulation and lots of activity to develop mentally and physically.
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Car model making for kids
All kids have probably played with a toy car or truck at some stage. Why not take it to the next level and encourage them to build their own? Let your kids take pride in something they've made from scratch with car model making!
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5 Basic Skills in Cheer Dance
Explore the 5 essential cheer dance skills every aspiring cheerleader should master. From dynamic jumps and tumbling to precise motions and teamwork-driven stunts, find out how your child can shine in Australia's cheerleading scene.
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Train model making for kids
Teach your kids how to build a model railroad! Model train sets add extra fun because kids not only get to play with miniature trains, but also watch them go around miniature buildings and mountains on a model railway. Buy your kids a starter kit so they can learn to make their own!
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Swimming for Kids
A great sport for your kids' physical development. It is also really important to learn how to swim well, it can be very useful for his own safety while doing other activities (surf, windsurf, wakeboard...). It is a good start before getting to learn other water sports.
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Mini Golf for Kids
Mini Golf is the utmost "family" activity... Play safely with kids of any age, outdoor or in the dark, and enjoy a wonderful moment altogether.
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Racquet Sports for Kids
Hone your kids’ hand-eye co-ordination with racquet sports!<br><br>Racquet sports are fun and a great way for kids to get fit and make friends!
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School Holiday Programs for Kids
Are you looking for a way to entertain your kids during the summer holidays?
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The Benefits of Soccer for Children: A Comprehensive Guide
Soccer offers a plethora of benefits to children, encompassing physical fitness, social development, and mental well-being. As parents and educators, we should encourage children to participate in this sport, fostering their holistic growth and helping them become well-rounded individuals. Through soccer, children can learn valuable life skills, build strong relationships, and cultivate a lifelong passion for physical activity and teamwork.
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Tips to encourage your child to practice playing a musical instrument
It never ceases to amaze me how much difficulty some parents find in encouraging their child to practice playing a musical instrument. Very few younger aged students will practice of their own volition. Not many five year old kids will say to their parents “Now please excuse me, I am about to head into my room to practice the piano for the next hour or two”. However, we have found that the more actively parents are involved, the more the child will feel there is a reason to practice.
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Reptile Park for Kids
Your child can get up close and personal with their favourite scaly creatures!<br><br>Very popular with crocodile and snake loving kids and adults alike, a reptile park can be a fun and educational experience for the whole family!
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Mess-Free Art Adventures for Little Picassos: Discover Clean and Creative Fun for Children
Take your art adventure outdoors and explore the wonders of nature print art. Collect leaves, flowers, or any textured objects from the backyard. Place them under a piece of paper and use crayons or pencils to create rubbings.
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