Sports Events for Kids in Queensland

The name Taekwon-Do is derived from the Korean word "Tae" meaning foot, "Kwon" meaning fist and "Do" meaning way of. Taekwon-Do literally means "The way of the foot and fist". Taekwon-Do consists of many parts. Sparring is only one part of the Art of Taekwon-Do. This event is a great opportunity for students to put into practice techniques and combinations learnt during class. Sparring (Matsogi in Korean) is a great way for students to gain confidence and utilise their Taekwon-Do skills in "real time" scenarios without fear of being injured. There is a lot planned for the night, suitable for beginners and all ages. If you are keen to learn Taekwon-Do come along and try out on our sparring night. Contact us to find out more information.