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Kids Parties

How to stay indoor, have fun & keep active

by on 13-04-2014
How to stay indoor, have fun & keep active

Stuck for ideas on kids activities when the weather is bad? Or perhaps the season for your kid’s sport teams has just finished and you are seeking an alternative way for them to continue to keep in shape? In addition to the advantages of not having to worry about weather conditions, indoor sports also provide many other benefits over an outdoor environment. Conditions of indoor sport venues are usually more controlled and cleaner, making it safer for young kids. Here are our top five recommended indoor sports to keep your kids busy.

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Kids Parties

Prepare some popcorn and get the films rolling!

by Claire Drundree on 06-04-2014
Prepare some popcorn and get the films rolling!

Our family has a long standing tradition of Movie Sunday. Every Sunday night, we will have popcorn and snacks ready and gather around in the living room for a quiet night in of family movie night. My kids grew up watching all the Disney and Pixar classics and we are continuously exploring new movie genres together. It comes as no surprise that children gets drawn to the fantasy world and captivating characters depicted in movies. There are ways to get your kids involved in the world of films that can help to ignite their imagination!

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Kids Parties

Play the Waiting Game

by on 28-03-2014
Play the Waiting Game

To be a parent, you are often required to have the patience of a saint in order to deal with crying and whining kids. Over time, we get better at handling their tantrum and wait for it, we eventually reach a stage where we no longer sees it as a chore. On the other hand, it is just as important for kids to learn the art of patience from a young age. It teach them the importance of having self-control and staying calm in the face of frustration or boredom. There are kids activities that can help little ones to learn the art of patience. Let the waiting game begins!

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Kids Parties

So You Think Your Kid Can Dance?

by on 21-03-2014
So You Think Your Kid Can Dance?

With the popularity of shows like So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars, it appears that dancing is having a big comeback, particularly as a fitness alternative to playing sports. Learning to dance from a young age provide many benefits to kids. Dancing not only improve physical health and promote social interaction, it also help young kids to stay discipline and focus. Most of all, dancing has been found as a great way to improve self-esteem as it teaches kids to become more comfortable in their own skin and helps to boost their confidence level.

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Kids Parties

Five fun kids friendly activities to do with your family pet - rain or shine!

by on 28-02-2014
Five fun kids friendly activities to do with your family pet - rain or shine!

There’s a reason why dogs are men’s best friend - they’re loyal, fun to be with and always there for support and a cuddle when you need them. This also applies for any kid that grew up with a pet in their family. Children who grow up with pets are found to have a better sense of responsibility, compassion and empathy from a young age. When was the last time, you and the kids spent some quality time with your family pet? If it’s been a while then make this weekend a fun family pet day out. Here are five ideas to get you started.

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Kids Parties

6 ways to spice up reading and writing for your kids

by on 20-02-2014
6 ways to spice up reading and writing for your kids

Reading and writing are core skills for any young person to possess; however, International studies have shown that even for English speaking countries like Australia, kids were found to have below average reading and writing skills. This is not surprising when you consider how heavily children today rely on digital technology to do the thinking for them. Just the other day, I caught my oldest daughter too lazy to correct her spelling mistake on her Word document. When I questioned her about it, her reply was simply, “It’s ok, mom. The computer will spell check it for me.” 

 The key to improving our kids’ literacy level is to develop their interest in reading and writing from a young age. If you find your kid struggling with reading and writing or simply lack the interest, give the following tips a try.

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Kids Parties

What today’s children can do to build their cultural awareness

by on 11-02-2014
What today’s children can do to build their cultural awareness

Last week during Chinese New Year, my family and I were blessed to be invited over to our neighbour’s place for a traditional new year celebration. Our little ones really enjoyed trying all the traditional Chinese dishes, learning about new year traditions and were even given ‘red pocket money’ for good luck. This got me thinking about the culturally diverse world our children live in today. Today more than ever, our children need to learn to respect and appreciate that everyone is different - whether it’s their hair colour, skin colour, race... Here are some kids activities that helps to extend your child’s cultural learning.

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Kids Parties

Explore & appreciate the great outdoor with your kids this weekend

by on 06-02-2014
Explore & appreciate the great outdoor with your kids this weekend

Are you concerned about your kid’s lack of interest to spend time away from their computer, PS3, comic books and their reluctant to leave their rooms? Or perhaps you have been a little too over-protective of your kids to leave the walls of your home and backyard. Well, it appears that you are not alone! A recent Melbourne study of 300 children aged four to eight years found that two-thirds of kids were banned from playing outside their garden gate, citing fear of abduction and death as reasons. Spending time outdoor is also essential for the mental and physical development of all growing child. So this weekend, take your kids to go explore the great outdoor!

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Kids Parties

Set your kids up for a great school year ahead!

by on 30-01-2014
Set your kids up for a great school year ahead!

I know your first day of school is probably a faded, distant memory now but I’m sure most of us had butterflies in our stomach for days before starting our first day of school. The fear of being rejected by other children and struggling to keep up in class can become overwhelming for most children. If you have kids starting school for the first time or going back to school this week, here are some tips and tricks on how to beat that first week back to school blues.

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Kids Parties

Take the boredom out of this long weekend's family road trip!

by on 23-01-2014
Take the boredom out of this long weekend's family road trip!

Got plans for a family road trip this Australia Day’s long weekend? Family road trip is a good way for the whole family to take a break from their daily routines, engage and interact with each other while having fun! But trust me, I understand that there’s nothing in the world that’s more irritating than a car full of bored kids on a long road trip. The last thing you need to hear on a long weekend road trip is the dreaded line: “Are we there yet?” on repeat. But fear not, I am here to share my top family road trip survival tips to guaranteed you and your family a fun and safe time.

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Kids Parties

Stress less & feel the joy of being a parent again!

by Claire Drundree on 16-01-2014
Stress less & feel the joy of being a parent again!

I want you to think hard about the last time you managed to have some quality time to yourself, doing something that you enjoy and just let you mind and spirit unwind. If you’re able to recall the moment straight away then you’re amongst the minority of parents who are not suffering from the ‘Pressured Parents Phenomenon’. 

We all feel pressured to be the perfect do-it-all parent but the truth is, by taking on too much and constantly denying ourselves of time to relax and rest, we are actually causing more harm to our relationships with our kids. We’ll become more easily agitated and too tired to spend time with our kids. So, start incorporating some of the following tips to your weekly routine towards a more stress-free and balanced lifestyle.

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Kids Parties

6 Habits & Activities that Stimulates Young Minds

by on 09-01-2014
6 Habits & Activities that Stimulates Young Minds

A young mind is like a giant sponge, constantly absorbing new knowledge and findings. Today’s kids are not only fast learners but are constantly in search of activities to keep them amused and entertained. It is exhausting just trying to keep up with their latest obsession. As parents, you can help to encourage the following habits and activities that helps to stimulate brain growth and development in young kids.

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Kids Parties

Let 2014 be the year to power up your parenting!

by Claire Drundree on 02-01-2014
Let 2014 be the year to power up your parenting!

With New Year’s Eve came and gone, I’m sure most of you have already worked on a list of goals for your New Year resolution. As parents, we play an important role in shaping the way our children think and act now and the type of person they will become in the future. These goals will help to kick start 2014 to become a memorable year for you and your family.

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Kids Parties

There's no need to ever spank again!

by on 28-12-2013
There's no need to ever spank again!

I am the first to admit that while I love my kids, it is not always easy to keep my cool when they misbehave. The argument of whether it is ever ok to smack your child as a form of discipline is an old one. Studies have found connections between spanking and development of “mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse/ dependence, and personality disorder” later on in life. Before you give into the temptation of spanking your kids next time, give these alternative methods a try.

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Kids Parties

Do your kids know the true meaning of Christmas?

by Claire Drundree on 19-12-2013
Do your kids know the true meaning of Christmas?

Whether your family is religious or not, Christmas is a time to reflect, to show gratitude to those that have been good to you during the year and to acknowledge the importance of your family. I don’t want my kids to grow up thinking that Christmas is just about eating a lot of Christmas pudding, playing Playstation all day at home and being spoiled with presents. This festive season, we should all aim to teach our kids the true meaning of Christmas - showing gratitude, compassion, empathy and learn the joy of giving to others. Let’s get started!

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